A World of Make-Believe


A Lonely Child

I was an odd child. It doesn’t matter why because that’s the head space I was in for most of my youth. As a lonely kid, growing up in the 1950’s, I created a fairy-tale world (the virtual reality of a pre-techno culture) with the meager resources available at the time. Before I could read, the portal to another reality appeared to me via Disney movies and music. These were the audio-visuals that populated my interior life. Unfortunately, I still needed adults to gain access since I lacked a driver’s license and an allowance (child welfare).

The Fairy Tale Life

Once I learned to read, my limited world exploded into a kaleidoscope of possibilities. Inspired by the likes of Cinderella and Peter Pan, I fell in love with fairy tales. My first book, gifted to me by my Aunt Elaine (an authentic feminist), was Grimm’s Fairy Tales. I can’t say which story was my favorite – I loved them all. Even now, I occasionally re-read a tale or two, since I find inspiration for writing among these simple stories of magical transformation. On the surface the characters and settings are generic, lacking specific descriptions or context. But there is a purity and clarity that leaves no room for guessing or misinterpretation – in other words, kid-friendly. Every action has a crystal-clear consequence. Frogs become princes. Goodness conquers evil. And perseverance is handsomely rewarded. No wonder they’re called fairy tales since they bear little resemblance to real life. But isn’t that the point!

Happily Ever After

This guileless, flash-fiction fluff sparked my childish imagination and transported me to an alternate reality, where any character could look and behave like me, or someone I knew. I provided the artistry with colors and textures of my choosing, which changed with my prevailing mood. Sometimes, I was an angry ogre, sometimes a damsel in distress. Maybe I felt like a gallant prince, or maybe a helpless princess. On a good day, I was king of the castle. And on a bad day, I was Cinderella after midnight. It was my personal version of Once upon a time….happily ever, and everything in between. All I had to do was open a book and read the magic words. Top that Dungeons and Dragons!

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