Unsung Hero

I never met you, but I knew your father
He grieved over your daily dance with death
                                          ....each victory barely worth the cost

Hearing  of your suffering cut deeply 
heightening my awareness of the
        sunset's red-orange kaleidoscope
               the scents of fresh-cut grass tickling my nose
                    the cool, silky taste of an ice cream cone
                        and the crescendo of my beating heart
                                           ….beneath the heat of a lover's touch

I never met you, but my daughter knew you
a school-girl crush, you were another kind of hero who
     wasn't afraid to say I love you
          gave selflessly without keeping score
               and who defended the unlovable
                                           ….regardless of ruined reputation

We didn't know each other, but you often reminded me 
to drink deeply of life and the moment because
     our days are numbered 
          each breath and memory is precious
              and because a dying ember can rekindle another blaze
                                           ….what greater purpose in God’s eyes?

No, we never met
                                 and yet....
                                                   you continually inspire me

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